Thursday, January 24, 2008

Glutton Project Begins

I'm currently working on a project where a cross-platform OpenGL-based GUI is necessary. I naturally started looking at GLUT, and then freeglut. Both are fairly nice, but lack some features that I view as necessary for my project.

I started trying to implement those features and work with the freeglut team to get them integrated into the main source tree. Unfortunately, after two weeks since my last message, I've received no response. I suppose they're busier on other projects - they did indicate that they consider freeglut as complete - but for my purposes I need faster turnaround times.

Rather than whine about the current state of affairs, I've decided to start up a fork of freeglut, which I will call glutton. Again, this action is not anything against the freeglut team; they have done a phenomenal job and deserve the utmost respect and praise for what they've created.

In any event, I've decided that as I develop glutton, I'm going to try writing a series of mini-articles here to help track my progress. With any luck, glutton will grow into a first-glass openGL library suitable for use inside applications on any platform.

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